Reno Public Safety Training Center
This state-of-the-art training complex is a “one-stop-shop” for all fire, police and rescue training in Truckee Meadows and is utilized by nine public agencies. The facilities were delivered under a guaranteed maximum price turnkey contract.
When the originally planned source of project funding had to be redirected to flood control projects, Garfield arranged for alternative financing that enabled facility delivery four years ahead of the alternative plan, thereby saving Washoe County more than $1.5 million dollars in fees and inflationary costs.
Funds were raised through tax-exempt Certificates of Participation (“COPs”) secured by annually appropriated County lease payments, which were offset by sublease income and other revenue. The County obtains ownership at the end of the lease term. This was the first ever lease-purchase COPs financing for a county in the State of Nevada.
The Center was delivered ahead of schedule and under budget, with savings applied to purchase enhanced training equipment.
Awards include:
Outstanding Achievement in Civil Engineering — American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
PINNACLE Award, Design-Build Project Category — Associated General Contractors of America (AGC)
“We couldn’t have made a better choice. The taxpayers of Washoe County benefited from Garfield’s leadership throughout the entire process. I highly recommend them.”
— John C. Breternitz, County Commissioner, Washoe County (2008-2012)
Facilities Include
- Classrooms
- Office Space
- Conference Space
- Lockers and Showers
- Armory
- Burn Building
- Drill Tower
- Shooting Range
- Asphalt Track
- Skid Pad
- Vehicle Maintenance and Storage Space
- Confined Space and Trench Rescue Prop